

Registration fee

380 EUR
(includes self-service breakfast on May 23-26, lunches on May 22-25, dinners on May 22-25, welcome party on May 22, banquet on May 25, refreshment during breaks, Book of Abstracts, folk dance performance, bus transportation from Bratislava to Smolenice and back)

Accommodation in Smolenice

Suite (two beds) 120 EUR/night
Double room 35 EUR/bed/night
3-bed room 30 EUR/bed/night

Accommodation in Bratislava (Art hotel William)

(including breakfast)
Single room 75 EUR/night
Double room 37,5 EUR/bed/night

Methods of payment

Credit card payment will be available soon

Registration fees and accommodation are payable in EURO only. All payments must be free of charge for the recipient. Send the payment to:
Name of the bank: Statna pokladnica
Address: Radlinskeho 32, 810 05 Bratislava 15, Slovak Republic
IBAN: SK69 8180 0000 0070 0055 3344
Account owner: Konferencie - granty 4, BMC SAV

IMPORTANT! Identify your payment using your name in “message for beneficiary” or “payment purpose”.